Vista Transformation Pack 9.0 | 27.3 MB
Vista Transformation Pack will give to your Windows XP system the new and cool look of Microsoft's future operating system: Windows Vista. The pack changes most of the system icons, skins and toolbars and also adds new enhancements to your desktop such as a dock bar or a different system tray clock. It is free and does a great job of giving machine a look similar to Vista.
It does have uninstallation options in case you decide you want to get rid of it, so there really isn’t anything to lose. However, when you install the software it has to overwrite some system files (it modifies things like the boot screen) so Windows will prompt you stating that your system files have been changed. It will ask whether you want to change them back or leave them, so just leave them if you want the system to function properly.
New Version Vista Transformation Pack 9.0 Download
Mang Jaya, Thursday, November 13, 2008Ipod Video Converter 5.97 Download
Mang Jaya,Plato Video To iPod Converter 5.97 - 3.6 MB
Convert almost all kinds of video files to ipod !
You could convert batch video files with Plato Video to iPod Converter. It is convenient for you to add several video files one time to convert, and then just go to sleep, it could automatically shutdown your computer after all conversion done !!
• Let your Apple iPod much super and advanced! With the help of plato video to ipod converter, it can easily make it true!
• Do you thinking enjoy the visual feast on your ipod anywherer, anytime? Now, with Plato Video to iPod Converter, you could convert any of your funny and wonderful video clips to your ipod.
• It enables you to convert almost all kinds of video files such as rm, divx, xvid, avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mpeg, vob, mov, qt, vcd, svcd to Apple iPod video (mp4) format.
Good RealMedia Converter FairStars Audio Converter Free Download
Mang Jaya,FairStars Audio Converter 1.76 - 3.3 MB
FairStars Audio Converter is a media file conversion tool to convert WAV, RealMedia (RM, RA, RMVB, RMJ), AIFF, AU, Creative VOC, PVF, PAF, Amiga IFF/SVX, APE, FLAC, OGG, VQF, MP1, MP2, MP3, WMA, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4A, M4B, AAC to WMA, MP3, AAC, VQF, OGG, FLAC, APE, and WAV formats. You can convert multiple files in a single batch, regardless of their source and target formats. In addition, the program includes a built-in player. The audio format conversions are performed without any temporary files, allowing high conversion speeds. Other features include normalization (adjust volume), support for ID3 tags and more.
DVD To HD Converter AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD
Mang Jaya,AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta - 2.6 MB
AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD's help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD-Copy, etc. are able to copy CSS protected Movies. You can remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like!
AnyDVD is capable of removing unwanted movie features, including subtitles and prohibition messages such as copyright and FBI warnings. It also allows you to launch an external application whenever you insert or remove a disc, or prevent 'PC-friendly'software from automatically launching when you insert a video DVD. AnyDVD decrypts not just DVDs: AnyDVD allows you also to play, copy and rip protected Audio CDs!
Decryption is not all that AnyDVD offers. You can control the drive speed of your DVD drive, allowing you to reduce the noise level when watching movies on your PC. You can even adjust the display frequency of your monitor for both NTSC and PAL displays.
New DVD Converter VSO ConvertXtoDVD Download
Mang Jaya,VSO ConvertXtoDVD - 16 MB
Optimized for : Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
ConvertXtoDVD (formerly DivXtoDVD) is a software to convert and burn your videos to DVD. With ConvertXtoDVD and in a few clicks you can backup your movies to DVD playable on any home DVD player.
ConvertXtoDVD supports most popular format such Xvid, MOV, VOB, Mpeg, Mpeg4, MP4, AVI, WMV, DV and stream formats. It converts your files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD media.
The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video formats and creates chapters automatically. Multiple audio tracks are supported. Version 2 uses a completely rewritten interface with subtitles support and a lot of new settings.
DVD Copier Tools VSO CopyToDVD 4.1.6 Free Download
Mang Jaya,VSO CopyToDVD 4.1.6 - 11 MB
Optimized for Windows XP and Vista & 32 and 64bit
CopyToDVD is the ultimate CD and DVD backup software and burning software! You can backup DVD movies and videos, music, games, photos and data files in one click! Archive all your essential data with this “all-in-one” disc-burning suite that combines performance, speed and simplicity!
CopyToDVD provides you with a variety of ways to create CD(s) or DVD(s), such as Windows shell integration or FileDepot technology. It provides voice notifications to make your burning tasks easy and fun!
The program uses a smart data analyser that suggests the best output format (burn audio CD, burn to DVD, burn DVD Video...) according to your needs, and supports all CD and DVD formats. With CopytoDVD CD/DVD backup software, save your files as a hard copy, schedule backups for specific days and time, burn audio files (MP3, Ogg, Vorbis, WMA) to CD to play on any CD Player and more.
Linux bootable Live CD Free Damn Small Linux 4.4.8
Mang Jaya,Damn Small Linux 4.4.8 - Bootable LiveCD | 50 Mb
Damn Small is a very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution. DSL was originally developed as an experiment to see how many usable desktop applications can fit inside a 50MB live CD. It was at first just a personal tool/toy. But over time Damn Small Linux grew into a community project with hundreds of development hours put into refinements including a fully automated remote and local application installation system and a very versatile backup and restore system which may be used with any writable media including a hard drive, a floppy drive, or a USB device.
DSL has a nearly complete desktop, and many command line tools. All applications are chosen with the best balance of functionality, size and speed. Damn Small also has the ability to act as an SSH/FTP/HTTPD server right off of a live CD. In our quest to save space and have a fully functional desktop we've made many GUI administration tools which are fast yet still easy to use. What does DSL have?
Pemilihan Format Image Yang Baik Untuk Blog
Mang Jaya,Tutorial ini saya dapat dari, kayaknya sih penting banget jadi tongkrongin yah..
Ketika menulis sebuah artikel, berita atau apa saja di web/blog, akan terasa kurang jika senantiasa hanya berupa text. Image atau gambar kadang sangat diperlukan selain untuk memperindah tampilan, juga memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang artikel yang kita tulis. Ada beberapa format image yang biasa digunakan di web, yaitu JPG, GIF dan PNG. Sebagian orang tidak begitu memperhatikan pemilihan image ini, karena yang sering dikenal selama ini JPG, maka hanya itu yang digunakan. Memang format JPG mempunyai ukuran yang relatif kecil, tapi apakah senantiasa seperti itu ?
Pemilihan image ini sangat mempengaruhi kecepatan web / artikel kita ditampilkan, jika ukuran besar maka loading juga akan lambat dan sebaliknya, maka selain kualitas, ukuran juga penting untuk diperhatikan. Berikut karakteristik secara singkat ketiga format image tersebut.
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
GIF ini pada awalnya merupakan format yang banyak digunakan untuk web, bahkan telah menjadi format standard ( dikenalkan sejak 1987). Meskipun GIF dapat mangandung berbagai macam warna 24-bit ( 16.777.216 macam warna ), tetapi satu image gif hanya dapat mempunyai kombinasi sebanyak 256 warna (8-bit-per-pixel), sehingga untuk gambar dengan kombinasi warna yang banyak seperti foto, jika diubah ke format GIF akan terlihat pecah-pecah. Format ini cocok untuk file dengan tampilan warna yang terbatas/sederhana, seperti gambar dengan blok warna-warna tertentu, garis dan text. Keunggulan format ini dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan animasi, sehingga masih sering digunakan untuk banner (iklan). Karena masalah lisensi kompresi yang digunakan, maka dibuatlah format pengganti GIF yaitu PNG.JPG atau JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group )
Pasti sebagian besar kita sudah tidak asing lagi dengan JPG. Format ini cocok untuk gambar dengan kombinasi warna yang banyak dan komplek, seperti foto pemandangan dan sebagainya, karena menyimpan warna 24-bit. Oleh karena itu format ini paling umum digunakan dalam dunia fotografi, mengingat ukuran file yang relatif kecil dengan kualitas yang tetap bagus. Jika ingin menampilkan gambar dengan kombinasi warna yang kompleks, dan ingin tetap mempertahankan kualitas tampilan, maka jpg merupakan pilihan terbaik. Hanya saja, JPG tidak mendukung transparansi.PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
Berawal karena masalah lisensi format GIF, maka dibuatlah format PNG ini. Pada awalnya dukungan PNG masih terbatas, tetapi saat ini hampir semua browser sudah mendukung format ini. Tidak seperti GIF, format ini dapat menyimpan kombinasi warna 24-bit, tidak terbatas hanya 256 warna. Ukuran file yang dihasilkan relatif lebih kecil dari format GIF. Terdapat banyak kelebihan dibanding format GIF, hanya saja PNG tidak bisa menyimpan animasi, meskipun ada format turunan untuk animasi, yaitu MNG. Selain itu, browser lama seperti Internet Explorer 3 dan sebelumnya ( jika masih ada yang memakai) belum mendukung format ini. Seperti GIF, format ini sangat cocok untuk menyimpan image dengan kombinasi warna yang sederhana, seperti text garis dan blok warna. Image dengan ukuran lebar dan tinggi yang besar dapat mempunyai ukuran yang sangat kecil, jika hanya terdiri beberapa blok warna dan text saja. Tetapi sebaliknya, walaupun gambar cukup kecil, tetapi jika kombinasi warnanya cukup komplek, seperti pemandangan, foto dan sejenisnya maka ukurannya akan besar. Keunggulan lain format ini adalah dapat menyimpan transparansi / alpha channel.Ebook Belajar Blog Complete Download Gratis
Mang Jaya,Ebook gratis berikut meliputi berbagai hal mulai dari tutorial membuat blog dengan wordpress, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Kamus istilah blogging, Social Media, Internet marketing dan lainnya. Ebooks ada yang berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
Ebook berbahasa Inggris
Berikut ebbok gratis berbahasa Inggris tentang Social Media, SEO untuk Wordpress dan Internet marketing yang di compile oleh Chris Brogan
- The New Rules of Viral Marketing - David Meerman Scott
- Marketing Apple -
- Masters of Marketing - Startup Internet Marketing
- Podcast Marketing eBook - Christopher S. Penn
- Google Adwords Secrets - SEOBook
- Get Viral Get Visitors - Stacie Mahoe
- Marketing With Case Studies - Dynamic Copywriting
- How to Write a Marketing Plan - Geisheker Group
- SEO for WordPress blogs - Blizzard Internet
- Social Web Analytics - Social Web Analytics
- Geeks Guide to Promoting Yourself With Twitter - Geekpreneur
- The Zen of Blogging - Hunter Nutall
- What is Social Media - iCrossing
- A Primer in Social Media - SmashLab
- Effective Internet Presence - Effective Internet Presence
- Introduction to Good Usability - Peter Pixel
- Increasing the Response to Your Email Marketing Program - CRM Transformation
- We Have a Website. Now What? - Craig Rentmeester
- Blogs & Social Media - PRSA
- The Podcast Customer Revealed - Edison Media Research
Ebooks lainnya :
- Wordpress Cheat Sheet -
- Wordpress Help Sheet -
- SEO for wordpress blogs -
- How to create a Secure Wordpress Install -
Ebook berbahasa Indonesia
Jika kesulitan dengan ebooks berbahasa Inggris atau ingin melengkapi koleksi ebook, maka berikut ebook dalam bahasa Indonesia ( Jika pemilik ebook merasa keberatan link-nya ditempatkan disini, silahkan konfirmasi ke
- Kenapa Menulis Blog ? dari
- Tutorial Blog Staff UI dari
- Tutorial Wordpress oleh
- Cara mudah Install Wordpress di domain sendiri oleh Mas Imam
- Instalasi wordpress di Linux oleh
- Panduan CMS Wordpress
- Installasi Wordpress Offline menggunakan Xampp
- Total Guide Wordpress oleh
- Install Wordpress secara Manual oleh
- Cara mengupload Wordpress ke Website oleh Deon Zone
- Kamus Istilah Blogger (Extended Edition) oleh Blogguebo
Jika ada tambahan silahkan ditulis di komentar, sehingga kedepannya bisa saya masukkan dalam daftar disini. Semoga bermanfaat (
Kesahalan AVG Antivirus Bagaimaana Cara Memperbaikinya
Mang Jaya,Beberapa hari terakhir berita tentang kesalahan cukup serius AVG 7.5 atau AVG 8.0 (dengan versi database tertentu) mendeteksi file (sistem) penting windows cukup banyak beredar. File sistem itu adalah user32.dll yang dianggap terkena Trojan Horses PSW.Banker4.APSA atau Generic9TBN. AVG kemudian menghapus file itu yang menyebabkan windows [Xp] bermasalah.
Setting default AVG akan menghapus file itu, sehingga hal itu bisa menyebabkan windows berhenti booting atau hanya berputar-putar restart / reboot terus menerus. Bagaimana mengatasi hal ini ?
Langkah Rekomendasi dari AVG (
Jika Mempunyai CD Instalasi Windows XP
1. Masukkan CD Windows XP, dan booting komputer mdari CD tersebut ( jika komputer tidak langsung booting dari CD, maka setting BIOS perlu di set terlebih dulu agar proses booting pertama membaca CD /DVD ROM.
2. Ketika muncul informasi Run Recovery Console, maka pilih menu tersebut.
3. Pilih sistem operasi Windows yang ingin di recovery
4. Jika AVG Resident Shield mulai loading, matikan (disabled) melalui command prompt dengan mengetikkan perintah sebagai berikut ( satu per satu) :
disable avgMfx86
disable avgMfa86
disable avgldx86
disable avglda86
5. Mengembalikan file user32.dll dari CD Windows, dengan mengetikkan perintah sebagai berikut ( misal drive D: dalah CD ROM )
expand D:\i386\user32.dl_ c:\windows\system32\
Jika perintah diatas gagal (fail), maka coba rename file user32.dll sebelumnya dengan perintah sebagai berikut, dan ulangi perintah diatas :
ren user32.dll user32.bak
6. Restart Komputer dan booting secara normal
7. Untuk mengaktifkan AVG kembali, disarankan untuk me repair instalasi AVG. kemudian update dengan update terbaru. Dan sebaiknya mengatur agar AVG tidak langsung menghapus file yang terdeteksi sebagai virus.
Bagi yang tidak mempunyai CD Installasi Windows XP
AVG sudah menyiapkan utility khusus untuk memperbaiki permasalahan ini. Dapat digunakan media seperti CD ROM atau flash disk, yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk booting komputer.
A. Menggunakan media CD-ROM
1. Download file berikut
2. Dengan software seperti Nero Burning ROM atau sejenisnya, burn file ISO tersebut dengan memilih menu “Burn CD from Image”
3. Setelah selesai, masukkan CD tersebut, kemudian restart dan booting dari CD ROM. Lanjutkan dengan langkah C dibawah.
B. Menggunakan Flashdisk
1. Download file berikut
2. Extract file tersebut ke flashdisk.
3. Buka root direktory flashdisk
4. Jalankan file “makeboot.bat” yang ada di flashdisk (!! Peringatan… dijalankan file yang ada di flashdisk, bukan di drive selain flashdisk..!! ). dan Ikuti perintah yang tampil
5. Jika sudah selesai, pasang flashdisk dan booting dari flashdisk tersebut ( tidak semua motherbard mendukung booting dari media USB).
6. Ikuti langkah C dibawah
C. Langkah Terakhir
1. Langkah ini melanjutkan langkah A atau B diatas.
2. Ikuti proses rescue
3. Login sebagai Administrator
4. Update program AVG (Buka antarmuka AVG, dan klik tombol “Update Now” )
5. Rename file “avgrsx.exe_off” menjadi “avgrsx.exe”, yang ada di lokasi / folder C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8
6. Rename file “avgsched.dll_off” menjadi “avgsched.dll”, yang juga berada di lokasi C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8
7. Lepas media CD-ROM atau flashdisk dan restart komputer.
Cara-Cara Lain
Pada intinya untuk memperbaiki error atau permasalahan ini adalah meletakkan kembali file user32.dll ke folder C:\windows\system32\ . File user32.dll ini bisa didapatkan di beberapa tempat, yaitu :
1. CD Installasi windows. Buka saja folder D:\i386\ ( misal D adalah drive CD-ROM) dan cari file user32.dl_ selanjutnya buka file itu dengan software kompressi. Misalnya 7zip, winRAR dan sebagainya, sehingga didapatkan file user32.dll.
2. Jika masih bisa membuka windows ( dengan safe mode ) atau dengan media bootable, bisa dicoba dicari file user32.dll di folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache. Jika ditemukan maka letakkan (copy) ke folder C:\windows\system32\
3. Download file user32.dll dari internet. Misal dari situs
Agar bisa booting dari media CD, bisa menggunakan UBCD, UBCD4Win, CD Linux seperti Ubuntu, dan sebagainya. Sepertinya ini kesalahan AVG berikutnya yang cukup fatal yang bisa menyebabkan user pengguna AVG beralih ke antivirus lain. Jika anda ingin tetap menggunakan AVG, sebaiknya setting default untuk langsung menghapus file yang dideteksi virus dimatikan. Alternatifnya menggunakan antivirus lain sepreti Avira atai Avast. (
Need Smart DVD ? Smart DVD-CD Burner v3.0.104
Mang Jaya,Smart DVD-CD Burner v3.0.104
Smart DVD/CD Burner is an easy-to-use and effective DVD/CD burning software for Beginners and Professionals. With this burning program you can create high-quality Audio CD, Data CD and Data DVD, containing your music and files. Features include: Import multi-session DVD/CDs, Burn audio CD from MP3/OGG/WMA/WAV files, On-the-fly recording, Support buffer protection systems (BURN-Proof) and more...
Free Update Nero 8 Ultra Edition Download
Mang Jaya,Nero 8 Ultra Edition + All Updates 01-09-2008
Direct access to all features from the project launcher
* High Definition format support
* Xbox 360™ and PlayStation® 3 streaming features
* Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD burning support
* SecurDisc data protection support
* Copy a disc with just one click
* Graphics optimized for Windows Vista™
* Continual free updates
Profesional Burning Tools BurnAware Professional Free Download
Mang Jaya,BurnAware Professional 2.1.2
BurnAware is the ultimate disc burning software. BurnAware Professional is the professional’s choice for complete CD and DVD duplication and disc burning. It is permitted for commercial use and includes extra features essential for business and professional users including: parallel erasing and simultaneous disc writing.
New Software GameJackal Pro
Mang Jaya,Game Jackal Pro is the ultimate "must have" killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then Game Jackal Pro is for you.
Keeping your gaming investment safe: One major concern gamers have is the CD's life span. The CD-ROM for a popular game may be inserted and removed many hundreds of times, this of course leads to the inevitable "Unable to read" error and ultimately a trip to the trash.
About donBiu Blog
Mang Jaya,ABOUT donBIU
Its my personal blog…
My name is Mang Jaya, not ProBlogger, but I am Fans Blogger..
I Love Blogging..
donBIU blog is my personal blog, on this blog I share my experience everytime, everything, everywhere if connect to internet.
I Have any blog arround internet, but this blog is different with my other blog.
The secreat meaning of donBIU word is “Banana Leaf” = donBIU on balinese language. Because I am from Bali, I Love Bali so much…
Pocket Ebook Tutorial
Mang Jaya,Sorry I dont have tutorial book know, if my firs tutorial finish I will share on this blog…
Contact Me
Mang Jaya,•
You can comment in my blog, its my personal blog. Can We Be Friend ???
Have Nice Day My Friend….
All Format Audio Burner Audio CD Burner v1.2.35
Mang Jaya,MP3/AVI/MPEG/WMV/RM to Audio CD Burner v1.2.35
MP3/AVI/MPEG/WMV/RM to Audio CD Burner is fast, high quality CD burning software which helps you convert audio and video files to audio CD disc easily.MP3/AVI/MPEG/WMV/RM to Audio CD Burner supports mp3/wav/wma/ogg/ac3, avi/divx/xivd, mpeg/dat, wmv/asf/asx, rm/rmvb, mov/qt, mp4/m4v, 3gp/3g2, and flv files. Supports CD-R, CD-RW disc, supports all CDRs. High-Speed burner engine inside and very easy to use.
Iso Creator WinMount 3.1 Build 0925
Mang Jaya,WinMount 3.1 Build 0925 - 2.6 MB
Supported OS: Windows Vista! Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003!
WinMount is a powerful windows utility which is dedicated to managing compressed archives and image files impressively and conveniently. It's used to mount MOU, RAR, ZIP, ISO,etc archives as virtual disk, which enabling you to use the files inside it directly without needing to extract it beforehand. Such convenient, therefore, saves your time and disk space dramatically. WinMount also have compress, decompress and browse function that widely used by common compression tools.
WinMount, serving as a CD-ROM OR DVD-ROM emulator, supports almost all image file formats: ISO, BIN/CUE, CCD, BWT, MDS/MDF, NRG, IMG, ISZ, Microsoft WIM as a virtual disk.
In addition, WinMount supports mounting VHD, WMT, FLAC, APE, WV as a virtual disk and using them directly.
Nice Iso Burner 4Media ISO Burner Free Download
Mang Jaya,4Media ISO Burner
As a smart ISO burner tool, 4Media ISO Burner can burn ISO file into CD/DVD disc accurately without losing any data at the fastest speed. The ISO burner supports various input formats including BIN/CUE, IMG, MDF, NRG, CDI, B5i, B6i, DMG, etc. No matter the source is data CD/DVD image, bootable CD/DVD image, or media CD/DVD image, this ISO image burner tool can burn ISO image freely.
With 4Media ISO Burner, burning ISO file is not a difficult thing. ISO Burner tool can help you burn ISO file into CD/DVD disc, also, other image files such as BIN/CUE, IMG, MDF, NRG, CDI, etc., can be burned effortlessly.
Optimize ISO with UltraISO Premium Edition 9.31 Build 2633 Free
Mang Jaya,UltraISO Premium Edition 9.31 Build 2633 | 4 MB | RS | MU
UltraISO is a CD/DVD image file creating/editing/converting tool , it can directly edit the CD/DVD image file and extract files and folders from it, as well as directly make ISO files from your CD/DVD drive or hard disk. At the same time, you can maintain the ISO bootable information, thus creating your own bootable CDs and DVDs. You now have the power to make and edit your own ISO files, and then burn them to CD or DVD for your own needs.
UltraISO is in sole possession of the intellectualized ISO document format analyzer, it can process at the present time almost all types of image files, including ISO and BIN, it may even support new image files which are yet to be created. UltraISO can open these image files, directly extract files and folders, edit it and convert other image files to the standard ISO format.
UltraISO uses the double window unification user contact interface, you have the choice to only use the quick buttons and/or the mouse Drag & Drops, you can handle any CD/DVD image file easily.
Create your ISO with 4Media ISO Creator Free
Mang Jaya,4Media ISO Creator - 5MB
Still being troubled with how to create ISO image file from CD or DVD? Now, owning 4Media ISO Creator, you have the ability to make all the contents of CD/DVD into ISO image files for backup on your computer or other storage medium at the fastest speed. 4Media ISO Creator supports creating ISO image file not only from CD/DVD data disc, but also DVD media disc.
Acting as expert creating ISO files software, 4Media ISO Creator is especially designed for creating ISO image files from CD or DVD with high compatibility. It supports multiple input formats like CD/DVD data disc or DVD media disc.
4Media ISO Creator also offers you many handy operations such as after done action, viewing log file, automatically checking updates, etc. Moreover, mastering this smart software to create ISO file with intuitive interface is a snap, no matter you are a novice or veteran.
Open Disc Image Use Daemon Tools Pro 4.30.0303 Free
Mang Jaya,Daemon Tools Pro 4.30.0303
DAEMON Tools Pro - is professional version of DAEMON Tools, which is the worldwide most popular application for CD/DVD multimedia emulation and proven and tested by tens of millions users throughout the whole world. DAEMON Tools Pro is now capable to make CD/DVD images. You can protect your virtual CD/DVDs with a password.
- Want to avoid risk of scratching or losing your favorite computer games CD/DVD discs?
- Want to load and play your games faster?
GameJackal Pro Beta Free Software
Mang Jaya,GameJackal Pro Beta - 6,41 MB
Game Jackal Pro is the ultimate "must have" killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then Game Jackal Pro is for you.
Keeping your gaming investment safe: One major concern gamers have is the CD's life span. The CD-ROM for a popular game may be inserted and removed many hundreds of times, this of course leads to the inevitable "Unable to read" error and ultimately a trip to the trash.
Turbo Pascal Programing Otak Jadi Stes
Mang Jaya,Hari yang menyebalkan, uts yang menyebalkan, kenapa TURBO PASCAL begitu menyeramkan.
TURBO PASCAL membuah aku naik darah waktu UTS, bagaimana tidak dengan UTS Turbo Pascal ini, mampu mengantarkanku ke ujung emosi. Huh Turbo Pascal kenapa kau membuat aku seperti ini?